(Igor Proshukalo)
University of Educational Management, Kyiv, Ukraine
Introduction: preservation the mental health of the citizens in our society is an important task at present time. While science prefers to stay apart from the problems of psychological ensuring mental health the employees either state or private companies because most of its conscious life a person spends at work and it for sure affects it, creating conditions for psychological comfort and well-being, or, on the contrary, triggering the mechanisms of pathological mental changes.
Purpose of study is to analyze the problem of employee’s mental health in service organizations as an important part of their professional activity.
Methodology: the complex of general scientific theoretical methods, which are based on the interrelated basis of such approaches as integral, systemic, complex, activity approach and others.
Results: service industry is an intense work, which is associated with the active interpersonal communication, i.e. a worker resides in a situation of communication and interaction with the customers, colleagues, and authorities. This professional activity is always influenced by an individual, so a service sector worker may not be emotionally apart from the matters he/she is engaged in and it is one of the reason psycho-emotional overload. Among another reasons are violation the psychohygienic standards of workflow organization, the nature of the relationship between an employee and manager, the microclimate in the team. An important issue is also the cases of labor maladjustment. The employees in service organizations trying to maintain external efficient style of their professional activities and often take the consequences as the internal disharmony, psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative violations, the development of neurotic disorders. So mental health of employees is connected with their resistance against stress and distress, i.e. their mental stability in respect not only cognitive but also emotional experiences.
Practical value: the first step in addressing mental health of employees any companies is education. Providing managers with information and resources helps them not only to improve the psycho hygienic standards of workflow organization but better recognize signs and symptoms of the psycho – emotional overload which may lead the problems in the mental health of employees: emotional burnout, professional deformation and accentuation of personality traits.
Conclusions: mentally health workers in service organizations are the harmonic, counterbalanced persons, able to implement their vital needs and ability to self-reliance which is associated with such qualities as purposeful activity and adequate self-control and self-perception, developed abilities to concentrate attention, to keep in memory the information, the ability to logical information processing, critical thinking, creativity. Consideration the individual aspects is only initial stage of research the employee’s mental health. In the future, it should focus on the study the patterns of mental health, definition of its criteria and psychological conditions for its ensuring.
Keywords: mental health, service industry, worker, manager, customers, work, employee’s mental health, mental health of employees in service organizations.